First Course Launching on October 22nd!

Pre-Enroll Now to Save!

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Cannabis Demystified

Discover the Truth

In this introductory online course, you'll embark on a journey through the history, science, and industry of cannabis. With 7 years of experience in the cannabis industry and a passion for responsible cannabis use, Kristina Etter will guide you through the maze of misinformation to uncover the truth about this remarkable plant.

Course Benefits

By the end of the course, you will:

  • Gain a deep understanding of cannabis prohibition and its consequences.

  • Separate fact from fiction with the latest scientific insights.

  • Have a better understanding of the legal cannabis industry.

Pre-Launch Special Offer

And a Limited-Time Bonus!

Enroll now for only $20 and secure your spot in this eye-opening course. But hurry, because on October 22nd, the price will increase to $45.

Be one of the first 10 people to enroll and receive the second course, "Plant Science & Why It Matters," absolutely free when it's released.

Coming Soon!

Additional Courses

  • Plant Science & Why It Matters

    Cannabis is a complex plant. As an agricultural crop, it's important to remember that how and where it's grown is important.

  • The Alphabet Soup of Cannabinoids

    A deep dive into the various compounds in cannabis, what we know about them, and how they work together. Spoiler alert: THC is NOT the big, bad wolf!

  • Choosing CBD Wisely in a Flooded Market

    Not all products are created equal. Learn why hemp-derived CBD isn't the same as legal cannabis and how to discern a quality product before you buy.

  • What to Expect at the Dispensary

    Going to the dispensary for the first time can be a bit intimidating, especially if you don't know the rules. Learn what to expect before you go.

  • Responsible Consumption Tips

    You don't know what you don't know - and let's face it, most of us have never been taught anything about cannabis besides how to smoke it.

  • Growing Your Own

    Thanks to legalization, many states now allow consumers to grow their own plants at home. Unlike the slang suggests, this plant does not grow like a "weed" - it takes TLC.


Kristina Etter

Kristi got her start in the cannabis industry working as a budtender in a Denver dispensary in 2016, but what she learned would change her life forever. Embracing cannabis for health & wellness, she and her husband, Gary, have eliminated the need for 13 pharmaceuticals and lost over 150 pounds. For the last six years, Kristi has worked as a journalist and freelance writer in the cannabis space. As the Publisher for, she has had the pleasure of working with some of the top names in the industry. Learn more about Kristi and her work at